It's hard being a teenage girl and hard being the mother of one . I was one; an awful one. Poor teenage girls have all the mood swings and emotions we had as teenagers but now it's so public! Social media makes it more difficult and every little impulsive move they make is on display for everyone to know.
Anyway, that isn't even why I am writing today! Rambling in full force today....
My girl has been growing and maturing without her mama's full attention since her brother's accident. This weekend it became quite evident. Friday Dean had a visitor at work tell him how Rebekah has been helping his daughter through a very difficult time. His daughter's best friend passed away recently from cancer. Rebekah has been in touch with her and helping her through this difficult time. Her parents are extremely grateful and we are very proud. I hate that Rebekah knows what this young girl is feeling.
Friday night at the football game I got teary. Not about Tyler not being there(that goes without being said)but I realized that Bekah was not behind me in the grass playing with all the other loud kids. She was down at the bottom of the stands with the kids in high school watching the game! That is when it hit baby girl is a Freshman in high school. I think I have been so caught up in the emotions of starting school without Tyler and all the heart ache that goes with that...and the day to day chaos of getting the year started....I forgot to stop and realize that she is becoming a young woman. A young woman that is all of a sudden worried about clothes(no more school uniforms),hair, makeup, and spending every moment she can with her friends.
Saturday night she went to her first semi-formal party. She danced and had a great time. I know this not because she chatted away with her mommy. I had her brother spy...I mean watch out for her.
Then she calls me with huge news today. She has been voted onto the Homecoming court! The excitement in her voice was palpable and it warmed my heart. I am so happy for her.
I know this is choppy and more "rambly" than usual but the words in my head aren't easy to put on "paper" today and I am about to rush out the door to a pitching lesson.
Love my girl!
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