Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I have never been a good sleeper. Before May 18 I would stay awake until 1-2:00am and get up at 6:00am to go to work. After the accident, every time I would close my eyes,I saw images that upset me and kept me awake. I got a sleep aid prescription and it helped. Not perfect but it was better.

I haven't had any medication for sleeping in quite a while. My new sleeping pattern? I stay up until 4-5:00am. It's around that time that I pass out on the couch watching television. Dean has asked several times why I don't just get in bed and try to sleep. I lay there and the "images" go through my head like a movie reel I can't turn off. Most of the time it's what I remember from the day of the wreck (a whole other blog post).Not very relaxing at all.

Back to my newest sleeping pattern. I stay up all night and get up to get the kids ready for school  (love seeing them in the morning) and take them. I get back home and fall back asleep in the recliner. I sleep until 1:00 or 2:00pm.I feel extremely guilty and try to get things done before I pick Rae up from school. The rest of the day/night is spent running the kids around to activities. The result of this new habit? The house is a mess, laundry is piling up, errands aren't getting done, etc. I have to break this cycle but it seems to be so hard.

On a better note, Dean and I spent a little time on Sunday together alone. It was good and we need to make more of an effort to do it more often. The death of a child can put a very real strain on a marriage. We can't talk freely about a lot of things when we have the children around. Also by the time he and I are both home in the evening(rarely before 8:00pm or later) we are both emotionally and physically exhausted. He has a class out of town next month that he would like me to go with him to. Rebekah will be on a school trip and the other two would stay with family/friends. I know it would be good for us but I am not sure about leaving Rae for four days.  We are talking about taking a trip for my birthday/anniversary in the early spring. We haven't taken a trip by ourselves since Tyler was an infant.

I have not done a thing today around here. Time to run around before mom gets here with Rae...

I always like to end with a picture(or two..or three..) Some of my favorites of Dean and Bekah


1 comment:

  1. Be kind to yourself. This is your sleep for now. This is a season, and you are doing it. There is so much in this painful and unimaginable time that you cannot change, and right now sleep is one of them. You are present in the things and ways that matter. I continue to pray for your strength, and peace.
